Are You Ready for Love?

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The Complete Approach to Matchmaking

C-Factor Matchmaking is an upscale service providing more than instant chemistry sparked by a superficial match. We focus on a complete connection sparked by our proprietary research-based approach. We work with high-caliber singles from all walks of life. If you have primed yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to meet your ideal candidate–we are ready to help you find a complete connection!

“Brandan completly trasnformed my life.”
~ Pat, Happy Client

As Featured In

What Do We Consider a Complete Connection?

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Why C-Factor Matchmaking

As a psychological researcher, certified matchmaker, mediator, and interpersonal relationship coach–I’ve extensively investigated what doesn’t work in relationships to develop an upstream approach that does work! What do I mean by an upstream approach? Well, there are core factors that cause the dissolution of relationships and  prevent people from cultivating their ideal relationships. C-Factor Matchmaking targets those factors in the beginning with our proprietary process to facilitate a complete connection that could change your life!


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C-Factor Matchmaking